Wednesday, May 21, 2014

There's never enough time is there? Grr...

I’m annoyed, frustrated, confused and lonely at the same time.  - Mr. Swift (me, to-be of course)

So our teacher promised us that if our class could all score A2 or higher for FNN we would get a class buffet. Fortunately, we all did and we were happy with our results. We planned ahead of time and decided to have the buffet in June. But when 2014 kicked in we all wanted to get high-tea instead. My teacher did resist a little and kind of denied our request.

Now here’s the funny part. Back in December (when we collected our results) we already decided to have it on one of the days during the March holiday break. Here’s the hilarious part, my secondary school decided it would be funny to make the students suffer during the March holidays with a bunch of remedial lessons, leaving them busy for the entire week. Now waiting three months just to find out at the very last minute that you’re not getting what you want pisses me off. But I let that slip, because I’m a impatient person.

So we were discussing another date to go and have our class buffet, we were doing great, almost sticking to a date… until a few people couldn’t make it on that particular date, either because of part time jobs or they are studying for ‘O’ levels. After that the discussion stopped as we all were giving our excuse for not being able to make it. I decided to end it off with a “let’s hold it until June”.

Almost three months have passed since the week we had planned to have our class buffet. I’m hearing no word from the people my classmates whether they are free or not. Even when my teacher asked around nobody replied but me.

Honestly I’m just hoping they will start replying soon with a date when we can meet up because this wait is killing me. Just one message saying they’re busy is fine. Having no one care at all kills me. They can’t possibly have no time this year to do anything other than studying. I have tons of assignments but I still make room for hours of relaxation and fun.

Life isn’t about 0.1% fun, 99.9% studying. It’s about balance. Unless you admit you’re a robot then sorry, you wasted your time reading this.


High-tea: Something not in Jun Xian’s dictionary.

Hilarious (sarcasm): Something absolutely not funny and it kind of makes you seriously angry, oh wait…