Saturday, January 05, 2019

My Poly Life - Year 2

Hurray, I made it to Year 2 and even learn to make sure the text above is legible!

Erm, so quick edit. It is actually November 2020, and I just logged into my blogger to start writing about my 2 years of NS, and I realize I never got to finish this Poly blog post. So yeah... this is awkward, but hey keep reading if you want to HAHA. At this rate I'll probably finish up my Year 3 post by 2022? Anyways, happy reading:

Apparently, I completely forgot to finish up this blog post and it is 2019, almost a year since I graduated from NP and most of the stuff here isn't even relevant anymore because they switched up the way the elective module system works... So let's get this over with and not drag this any longer than it needs to be. (I have plans to finish the Year 3 blog post at least by the end of the year if I'm productive enough, but you know, NS commitments and stuff)