Tuesday, November 18, 2014

If I'm a cheater, you're a mosaic pixelation

I couldn't find a better fitting picture so I made pretty text.
It's pretty, deal with it.

Saturday, November 01, 2014

Let's talk about things that irritate me

It is was Halloween so I have to use a Halloween picture right? Yeah, I'm not good with scary stuff so here's a picture of a cat. - The World of Jun Xian, rants now with pictures

Alright, I've shifted my blog to Blogger for a more bloggy experience. Basically it's for my own benefit and not for yours. You're welcome.

Well, that's life. Wait, what was this blog's title again? Oh right, irritating things.

There has been things that have been irritating me. One example is how I had to manually fix up posts that I imported from Tumblr using some tools online. (Yes it can be done). That was tiring and I had to re-upload some of the images in case my Tumblr blogs ever go down. Another thing that irritates me is the way I put my blogs into paragraphs that make no sense. It looks so ugly to see a line of text and another chuck of text at the bottom. But I guess it can't be helped since that's the way I blog.

Anyway, one thing that irritates me a lot is people who are two-faced. And I can't believe I didn't see this one coming. So there's this person I know who's the fun type, the one that likes to relax, laugh and just, well, have fun. But the minute work starts it's like a total transformation into this, I don't even know how to put it into words right now, monster? Yeah, I'm trying to be nice, don't judge, I could use harsher words. So this monster is trying to convince us it's the boss and well, it doesn't work on me.

The way people try to lead a team is so wrong when there's that one person who tries to be the boss of everyone and command everyone to do something. And the worst part of all is when we try to help, what you should get is a "thank you" but instead we get a big "fuck you, I'm not stupid" in our face.

There will always be people who behave this way and I will never understand why. Is it too complex to understand this world is a fair place and you shouldn't behave like an ignorant brat?

So about that part time job… yeah… wait I forgot

Yeah, about that, I forgot all about it. That’s what you get for not writing about it the day it ended.

So I guess I would sum it up from the beginning till end? This will be a short one since everything about work in my mind has just went poof.

So I already talked about how I got the job and all those useless things in my previous posts, now on to the fun stuff, how was the job?!

It wasn’t what I expected it to be since I was lied to, but then again, there’s no such thing as easy money in this world. Yes, I actually had that small little hope that the job would be easy since I was told about all the awesome things you get from working there, great air conditioning, easy tasks, plenty of break times, lol. But in reality, those will never be true, unless of course there’s nothing particularly happening on that day itself, then by all means, have ten toilet breaks. Too bad for me though, that only happened on the last day of my job, great.

Back on topic, job, well… It was a job. I got hired, I did the things they wanted me to do, tried not to make mistakes, make mistakes, got the trust in me lost and my contract shortened. Do I hold a grudge against them? Nope. What’s done is done, really there’s nothing for me to say to them except goodbye because I’m gonna enjoy my long well-deserved break. Totally not a being a spoilt brat here.
The people there? I like some and I dislike some but that’s my own opinion, nobody has to agree or disagree with me. Again, I can’t argue with the fact that I was working for a serious company and I was expecting my colleagues to be friendly and sociable.

So I’m going to talk more about that “trust”. So I’m a careful person but when you expect me to be really quick at doing something every human on earth will make some mistake. There isn’t a human that’s so perfect that he is without flaws and can handle such a large volume of tasks without making a single error, if he can it must be his good day. But sadly for me, I made mistakes on the first few days and that’s when the higher management there started to lose their trust in me to do even the most simple tasks. I knew I was done for, and I was happy about it. No that wasn’t a typo, I was happy to lose my first job.

You know that thing about being “forced” to do something? Yeah, it doesn’t work at all. Back on “trust”, so I was already talked to by the higher management on the 3rd or 4th day and they told me I wasn’t serious so alright, that was the signal that I gotta go. The thing is, information leaks quickly and I knew that I was going to have my contract shortened literally a week before they wanted to tell me. Wait, they didn’t even attempt to tell me. So thinking back on it, I knew about it on the Friday because you know, I know things and they had the entire one week later to tell me, nope, they didn’t. Thankfully I had the final confirmation when I got a call from my recruit people-

And this is where I change topic for a moment. Yes, about the recruit people, you know is it really that hard to call me back after you tell me you’re gonna “call me back later”? Turns out, call me back meant that I had to call them back.

Back on the job, they told me if I knew my contract was shortened, I said yeah. They asked if I was told by the higher management why it was shortened I said nope, didn’t even tell me. And alright, we both agreed that it would be shortened. It was a win-win situation where my fellow colleagues with shorter contracts lengthened theirs, and mine gets shortened so I get more rest.

So I start to wonder, why didn’t they tell me about it? Am I that unapproachable? Sometimes I really do wonder that, I tried my best to fit in but I probably fit out even more. (Doesn’t make sense)

Overall, I got some experience from the job involving… opening letters oh gosh that’s going to look so horrible in my future resume. “Experienced in opening letters quickly”. Got some computer skills from it, yeah, they had their own system to key in information, too bad I was never trusted to do many of the keying in of data. I guess I was there for the physical labor, again, not what I expected.
I met some nice people, met some … not so nice people and met people who changed within a week of seeing them. Wow, what an experience huh? I really can’t talk much about the job because I’ll be sued or something like that so I would sum it up saying, work and have fun. If you’re not having fun just quit and find something fun. Work with your friends because they’re going to be that person who keeps you going back to work. (Or if they have free coffee then they’ll be motivation to keep going back)

This job was a neutral thing, nothing good about it, nothing too bad. Not bad for a first job huh? I guess what I should actually feel is hatred but who has time for that. I’m just happy to be able to do what I want for another month! Speaking of do whatever I want, I need to lose weight.
Oh dear… MacDonald wasn’t a good idea.