Sunday, April 10, 2016

Its April 2016, Update Time

Apparently I wrote this in March and forgot to post it. Well I've proof-ed read it and made changes here and there so that it sounds like I wrote it in April so here you go. An update on my life.

Nope not another rant post because I honestly have nothing interesting to actually complain about except for some stuff that happened that I can't really post here for the sake of not shaming people or asking for too much curiosity from people who actually visit my blog, because you know, its public. Its not always an easy task to twist stories to make it sound like I'm talking about some "imaginary friend" of mine instead of actually targeting a specific person. But anyway, this blog is just an update of what I'm doing with my life so far. (Mostly positive happy stuff in my school and social life)

For appetizers, I mean, lunch, wait, firstly? Diet. Pretend I never said anything here.

I just finished Year 1 in polytechnic, which is great? But the results aren't out yet for semester two and I couldn't care less because I'm sure the specialization I'm choosing hopefully doesn't require perfect results anyway. Yeah, I got my results but at the time of writing this I guess I didn't, and they're pretty much what I expected to get... Not perfect but hey, good enough. If its a pass, I'm happy. Anyway...

But man, it has been a fun year with my class. The thought of having to part with them soon is horrible but something I'll have to accept in months to come as we all choose our different specializations we are interested in. I mean, my classes have been filled with so much laughter and entertainment I couldn't ask for a more "special" and "unique" experience than this. And with those quotations, I really do mean it when I say my classes have been extremely fun. I mean when I first met my class I hardly knew anyone's name and now I know theirs and they know mine which is an accomplishment for me. And I haven't really been targeted as the joke or anything. At least, not yet. ;) ... #mercy 👏👏

But if I had to say one thing that I didn't expect I would enjoy were the lecturers teaching both my IS modules. For semester one I took this communication module and wow am I impressed by the way he conducts his lesson and the amount of patience he has for my class. And can I just point out that that IS lecturers are so kind, patient, and everything I would want in a lecturer who was teaching me in the ICT school. My vocabulary is too limited to even describe how I feel about them.

The last time I met such a lecturer was in PFP where she was teaching me another communication module and she was the nicest lecturer I've ever met. She made my PFP experience so much better and I was so glad she taught me for two semesters and till this day she still tries to stay in contact with me and my other PFP classmates. By the time PFP ended I thought she was one of the special lecturers who are generally really rare to find but I guess I was wrong because there are so many nice ones out there!

And that was the communication module lecturer I was talking about before. I have never met a lecturer who was extremely helpful and understanding and he truly is one of a kind. He had so much patience to tolerate the nonsense that happens in his class and I'm just speechless that such a lecturer even exists. But at the same time I can't really praise him too much because it would probably cause the school to be suspicious but he truly deserves an award for the way he conducts lesson. And I awkwardly met him in the toilet one day but that means he's still teaching so Ngee Ann, you made the right choice to keep him as a lecturer.

Another IS lecturer I have to praise is my Innova lecturer. While her lessons were rather rushed I can't blame her because the scheduling is tight but she had so much patience for my class as well. While I can't completely agree that I like the way she pushes us to the limit to discover ideas for that module she guided us very well through the module and taught us lots of valuable skills and while doing so, was friendly and respectable.

If you had asked me to praise all of the School of ICT lecturers who have taught me this year I will leave you with this. I noticed there are lecturers who go the extra mile to help students with their studies and to better fit them into a school that many may not have chosen as their first choice during the ranking of courses. Note here, I didn't say anything bad about the other lecturers whom may not have gone out of their way to help, but there are still worthy lecturers with a good amount of knowledge on what they are teaching. But they hold this strict standard of conducting their classes it just makes the atmosphere so serious and robotic that I honestly can't study in an environment like that and am 100% against that method of teaching. Nobody would voice out our opinions if classes are so strict. A certain lecturer also needs to come prepared when coming to class because I honestly can't get what he's teaching and I can tell by the look on his/her face that they don't know either. Other than that, they are mostly approachable and will provide great help if you ask politely.

Module wise, I was alright with all the modules I got this semester except the usual, sports and one particular IT module that seriously could have been polished more, and that is the operating system module. There is waaaaay too much content and irrelevant information at that time cramped into the slides that they provided us and it was just a mess to study. I even tried summarizing the information into notes and I ended up with 50 pages worth of words and diagrams compared to my other modules not even hitting 40 pages. That module has got to be improved because it wasn't a good one at all.

And enough of school, because I just realize I filled a full page of my blog post which was supposed to be updates on my life but ended up bring about "school life" instead. But I guess my life has been around school anyway for the past few months. But on to something more serious.

I now have internet but man, S.O.S. I had been suffering with no proper internet access for the month of March. Now I wrote a chunk of this in March it should still apply. The way I said that I'm suffering, is kind of an exaggeration because I do have a limited 3G data access with a data cap but you don't understand how challenging it is to switch from a high speed fibre internet being able to stream and download whatever I wanted, to not being able to visit any data intensive website or even stream in HD the past couple of days. All this because my family is switching ISPs but man, do I appreciate having a proper fiber access and being able to download anything as I wish at decent high speeds. I miss it so much... and I'm so glad I have proper internet now!

I've also had flu randomly strike me here and there during the holidays but this seems to happen every holiday for some reason. Maybe my house is just dusty...  And on news about me watching anime... news, I managed to finish an anime that spans across two seasons totaling 63 episodes and that is Yowamushi Pedal. I'm not a fan of animes that last longer than the usual 10-13 or 24-26 episodes but that was a good watch to burn some of my holiday time. I also caught up to other series that I wanted to and I guess I sort of wasted my holiday away. What I had intentionally wanted to do was to try and learn Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects but I you know how it is, when laziness hits you. 

And that's my update this year. What a ride. I'll schedule this to post just a day before school reopens because that just seems like the right time to sum up everything. And just to remind myself, I wrote this on 6th March and edited it on 10th April. There's probably gonna be some consistency issues huh...

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