Friday, April 17, 2015

Bali Trip - Day 1

Jun Xian travels? Wait, what?!
So I originally blogged about my Bali trip on the plane and then just published it on my blog. But it felt so rough and unpolished that I just couldn't accept that I wrote that piece of work. Also, I stupidly edited all my photos in a low resolution so hey, more work for me to do. So here's the repost of my Bali trip experience. I hope I can remember everything, damn...

Bare in mind, this is my first trip to Bali, and also my first airplane flight to anywhere. You're probably gonna think this is boring if you travel a lot. 

So I woke up at 6am (well kind of) and took a bus that my mum rented and off we go to Changi Airport. We arrived at Terminal 1 at about 8am and man was I in one of those "morning moods". But they sent off their luggage after weighing it and for some reason there was only a few people working the counters, the queue was really long. After the luggage situation we went to get Burger King, because MacDonald was no where to be found. (Darn it!!) I was never a big fan of Burger King but I was hungry and I've never tried their breakfast before so hey, why not right?

Alright, let's be honest fast food is just fast food but I was hungry and it was an alright meal. But the coffee, was so saddening for me. MacDonald coffee tastes better to be for some reason so that kind of made me sad. Kind of. But hey, it's Burger King not Coffee King, so shut up me.

After breakfast we had to go through several check-ins, luggage check, security screening etc. Those are all boring stuff that I want to leave out but man, it's so troublesome to have to go through so many checks. The system even caught me wearing metal which was on my belt and they had to use that stick thing (I clearly don't know what its called) to check me. There was also a part of the security check where you had to scan your passport and then use your right thumb to scan your fingerprint and I thought that was pretty advance. I guess it's for verification purposes but it did try to reject my fingerprint once. After we went in the airport there was this selfie social tree and you know being in the tourist mode we took selfies and flicked them up on the big screen. It's kind of like the system at JCube's J.Avenue's social wall.

We then went to some alcohol sh- I mean, we went to guardian to find insect repellent and other necessities we need for the trip. *wink wink*

And finally we had a final check in, well this is the check in where my belt was detected but if you bring a tablet it's gonna be so inefficient for you to check in because you have to remove your tablet for them to x-ray it. 

So I was really anxious because it's my first flight but at the same time, I was quite excited. We waited till the boarding time where we got in the plane. We had to show our little ticket before we could enter the air plane. 

Since it's my first flight, I was allowed to sit on the window seat (yassss tourist mode). But that excitement slowly turned to annoyance because I was waiting forever for the plane to freaking fly. It kept turning left and right and stopping. But when it started to go really fast and flew, happiness overtook me. It went really fast and you could hear their engines because it was loud and off we went into the sky. The view from the window was amazing. And about that ear popping everyone was mentioning about, it happens? Never happened to me at all and I was really disappointed and I felt so cheated by everyone who said their ears would pop and be all weird. I did feel pressure on my head but that's about it. So all I have to say is, LIARS. Well I enjoyed the breathtaking scenery, for like, half an hour before I closed it because it was getting to bright for my family since they want to sleep. And also after awhile all I could see outside the window was white. Maybe I went blind for a minute.

Anyway, the actual flight was really smooth other than the feeling every ten minutes or so where I feel like I'm dropping and then floating again. It's definitely smoother than traveling on land in Singapore. I didn't sweat on the plane, that much* but it was cool enough for me. And to entertain me during the flight was Sara Bareilles's album The Blessed Unrest and some other songs I played just to kill time. The flight was really short anyway, definitely not enough to watch a full movie I had planned earlier. And besides, during take off and landing we're not allowed to use our devices anyway (I think?). I wanted to take a video of take off but I was afraid they would kick me off the plane or something.

 Pretty much my face throughout the entire flight

And then I reacehd Bali. Well that was fast? After leaving the plane, can I just say, Bali smells different. You're gonna hate me for this but I could almost say it smells pungent at first. It took me awhile to get used to the air there but it was alright after a few minutes. We checked out of the airport and got on a car my mom rented to send us to our resort/hotel. Can I also say, the weather is not really any different from Singapore, other than being more hot that is. Oh and back to the resort/hotel thing, for the sake of this blog, I'll be calling it resort and not hotel because honestly, it's more of a resort than a hotel. Our resort is called Kuta Beach Club. They gave us welcome drinks and I thought that was really nice of them. We dropped off our items and went for lunch. I'll show off the resort later (lol). We went to the Seafood House restaurant and had lunch there. The food there was pretty good. 


We then went shopping at I believe, discovery mall. Man, my legs died after all that shopping. But trust me, the minute you step in the the mall you will feel welcomed by the Bali people and that's something you don't see in Singapore. They literally have people standing at the escalators smile and do a hand gesture and tell you "welcome" or "thank you". That was so sweet of them and it's not like I spent a lot of money there and I kind of felt bad as all I could do is smile back because I didn't know how to respond. The people there are really friendly and welcoming since they greet you like, all the time. I also hardly got stared at by anybody and it is me who is staring at them because I was so amazed by everything.

We then stopped by A&W because we're all about that life. I am now scared of eating A&W chicken. Apparently I ate the wrong piece of chicken since we ordered in bulk and I somehow ate the spicy one and woooo I was hot. It was so spicy and I felt horrible. But then I still had my fries, burger and the most important part, the root beer. So that made up for my horrible chicken experience. Oh, for your info, I still like KFC better. 

And that pretty much ends my day one. And guess who I found on MTV? Taylor!!! Oh and I learned a couple of tricks for being economical like washing my own clothes... (uck), boiling water, what not to take in the resort room because they cost money etc. Newbie here...

Well, see you guys for day two tomorrow, if I can finish it on time that is... I know nothing much really happened today but it was more of a prep day rather than touring day. But hey, it's interesting enough for me to blog about my first experience being in another country.

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