Friday, April 17, 2015

Bali Trip - Day 2

More walking!

So I woke up at around 6am because we had to get ready for the breakfast buffet and then leave soon for a full day of touring around Bali.

This was what I had for breakfast and if you don't know what the picture is actually showing, I had fried rice, fried potato, vegetables, omelette and sunny side eggs which were shaped like a heart. I thought that was really cute. ;)

We then went back to our room to get prepared and off we go on our trip around Bali. Thank god we had a car to bring us around because we went to far away places that took forever to reach. The first place we visited was Tanah Lot. The scenery there was beautiful. Also, it was really hot. Apparently, the sand there is different from normal sand as it was kind of greyish and I guess it was formed by a volcano at least that's what I heard. But the scenery was so beautiful!

After exploring around Tanah Lot we went to get lunch at Bebek Joni. The food there is really not my type of food but I did enjoy the avocado juice, that was amazing. The crispy fried duck was a disappointment and I heard that is their signature dish. The dessert is, well eh... Also the restaurant is outdoors and near it is a field so you can pretty much picture me trying to avoid all the flies that were everywhere. Not my kind of food, nor my kind of place. 

And after lunch we were headed to a temple of some sort and I had no idea what is it called. But when we were on our way there, it started raining. Cool, my first rain overseas and in Bali as well. Well... what can you expect from rain huh? It kind of made it harder for us to tour around but when we arrived at the temple the rain slowly subsided. We also had to wear this sarong kind of thing around us which kind of made it hard for me to walk around but I managed anyway.

After the temple visit we went to the monkey ... forest kind of thing? I forgot the name too but oh my god, this was the highlight of my day because I was about to take out my umbrella at one point and there was a plastic to hold my wet umbrella. This monkey saw the plastic and chased after me for it so I basically ran around in circles until the monkey stopped chasing me. That was freaky... but fun at the same time. Also I hardly took any proper pictures because my camera wouldn't focus and also I didn't want to be near any monkey because they'll want to kill me. I mean come on, I look like food. Also at one point I did say "don't come near me I will kick you!!" and I got stared at my tourists. Of course I meant it as a joke but I hope they know that it was a joke. I would never kick a monkey. 


Our next stop was coffee and tea testing I've been waiting for this the entire day! I loooooove coffee. Tea is alright but coffee is my everything. This was the first time I tried luwak coffee and it really does have a stronger aroma than regular coffee. They also sell different types of coffee and tea and I personally liked the mangosteen tea, safron tea, lemon tea, lemongrass tea, chocolate coffee and vanila coffee. And the worst item on the list would have to be ginger tea, it was too spicy for me and I dislike ginger a lot. After tea tasting we went to take pictures of a rice terrace before going back to the resort.

And before you know it, night has arrived and its time for dinner and sleeping. Well, I kind of deserve it right? After walking and soaking in everything for the entire day. Also, lots of sweating. I have pictures of night time but it's really blurry and out of focused so you'll have to take my word for it. Bali at night is pretty. The lights from all those shops brighten the streets.

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