Sunday, June 14, 2015

I hope you'll learn to be a decent person

People can be so strange. One minute they recognize your existence, the next minute they don't. Are they aliens?

Other than the fact that I haven't accomplished anything related to exams or homework the past week I feel there is a need to address this issue that I've been keeping in my mind for awhile now. I don't like the feeling of having someone know I exist in this world, and then being forgotten over and over again. It kind of sucks, and I hate it. So I'll talk about it.

Now, I have this group of friends, I wouldn't exactly call them friends anymore. They like to knowledge my existence and that's cool. So they tend to get me involved in their little outings and gatherings and you know, outdoor stuff that I don't like. You know the usual type of "friends" would do this for you, think about it as a movie outing or something like that, but the thing is, its nice that they put in the effort to encourage me to go to events like these but the fact that I'm not kept updated on what's going on already worries the heck out of me. And then to be forgotten that I'm even going is just annoying of you. Do you actually want me to go or not? I'd rather be at home enjoying the beautiful weather that is my A/C blowing at me rather than going out with you to sweat.

I cannot tolerate the nonsense that is you. You are just plain annoying! Look, this is not the first time I've been ignored this way and if you don't want me to be at your event why ask me to go in the first place? I'm not gonna have fun anyway going outside already means I'm gonna have a bad time. I never even asked if I could go, you invited me so shouldn't you have the decency to keep me up to date on whats going on and if I'm actually invited anymore? That is absolutely disgusting of you to act like you're inviting only to throw people off. We don't need people like you. You sir, need to grow up. One day, nobody will be around you anymore to give you all the attention that you need or support your every action because you've pissed them all off. You can act popular and pretend your life is going in the right way and everything goes your way but be mindful that not everything is going to go your way all the time and eventually you're going to be hated by everyone. So yes, if you wish to continue to pretend to be nice and lets see where that will lead you and I will continue to pretend to tolerate your shitty attitude while writing long stories about you because my life isn't interesting enough.

Another thing I need to rant about is the way people use their popularity. I understand how you are popular and everybody loves you. I'm weird because I don't. You give that vibe no other person can achieve and you're generally likable except to me. However, with that much power and popularity, shouldn't you practice at least some basic common sense? You really need to watch what you say if you wanna keep that respect everyone has for you and not talk crap about people. Maybe you're easily influenced by what others say around you but honestly some opinions are the hard truth and you have to suck it up and learn to accept that you are wrong. I also wish you'd would stop being arrogant by pretending to know everything. You know, its one thing to be arrogant but its fine for your case because really are good at everything, but its another thing to be arrogant but not have any substance to prove that you have the right to look down on people. You have nothing, and you're trying to prove you're somehow more superior to people? Stop trying to be the joke of the day and learn to be humble.

I've also had an awful time in school because I've been thinking about the day one of my lecturers screamed at me. Ever since the day I pretty much pissed her off our relationship has been awful. She's somehow mad at me all the time and I felt targeted when I was doing a group project for her module. By targeted I mean, she didn't target me exactly but one of my group members. Now, just so you know, I did say sorry and I felt bad for forgetting to pass her a useless shitty paper that Ngee Ann somehow at the last minute decided to ask us to sign and it is clearly their fault but they would never admit it. I could write a 200 word essay on them and how they are so incompetent at doing anything but you know, I learn to forgive people or schools, and forgiveness is something you need to do. You need to know how to forgive others and not continue to hold a grudge. You're being so immature as someone who is supposed to be older and wiser. But then again, I don't read "wiser" people very well so maybe I'm over thinking it. But if you haven't forgiven me yet, for goodness sake, we hardly see each other in a week do you really have to put so much hate on me for that one small little mistake I made? Stop being an immature brat and learn to be an adult.

Summing this post up, guys, learn to accept that you can't always be right. You're always gonna have to deal with shitty people but you get over them. They aren't worth your time as friends and if anything, keep your relationship with them at the level of strangers. You're not even workmates, classmates, schoolmates etc. You're plain strangers with them. Trust me, if you treat them as strangers you'd feel so much better because its as if you don't know them anymore and whatever they do won't influence you. I clearly made the mistake of treating them as more than strangers which is why I'm getting so angered over what every one of them did.

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