Saturday, July 11, 2015

Well, you're selfish and you don't see it

Games and events!

I thought I hadn't blog anything for about two months now but looking back at it, I've blogged quite recently. By recently, I mean less than a month ago.

So the caption I have below my usual teaser for each blog posts but really, it has nothing to do with today's blog post. Unless of course, you manage to link it somehow which I doubt you can. I changed it and now it makes sense, sorry for making me look dumb. No I didn't make a typo there. So a lot of stuff happened the past few weeks, I may have lost someone close to me, people have been shitty and the usual stuff. And no, this blog isn't about me being depressed or anything because of losing someone but rather I'll be talking about the "shitty stuff" that happened because I need to make a point on what happened.

So I attended this gaming event somewhere in the beautiful smoking hot country and you don't need to know the details. But just now, the event is generally held for hardcore people who are interested in the game or the other group of people such as the little kids in primary and secondary school and maybe even kindergarten kids. And no, none of the kids did anything to me to get me all pissed off but it was rather the hardcore adult gamers who were there that made me think twice about their level of maturity and how much integrity they have.

Basically, there was this long queue to get into the event, sort of like queuing your way to a nightclub or something even though I've never been to one. I went with a group of friends and we were rather behind the line. Then this other group of people who I shall call, The Animals which included about 4 guys came a long and socialized around with people. Of course, some of the people in my group of friends knew them and I thought alright, I know my territory, they look like people I wouldn't trust, I should stay away and mind my own business and so I did. Now usually when I judge people on whether their good or bad, I'm usually right. Not showing off or anything.

When the event actually started the queue was either moving, or people were leaving the queue because they were sick of waiting. Anyway, we were nearing the entrance to the event and all of a sudden in front of our queue, was The Animals, this time they brought along three other human beings with them, I wasn't sure of their gender but I recall seeing them in a distance at the end of the queue, and now all of a sudden they were at the front. Now I was rather mad at that point of time but I thought deep about it and it hit me how selfish they were and it wasn't being selfish to me, I wouldn't mind waiting because I already reserved my spot in the event and I wasn't even planning to buy anything, but the kids there! They literally put themselves in front of eager children who have been waiting forever to enter the event with their parents and my god, have they no shame? They didn't even notice what they were doing wrong and that really made me think hard about how humiliating it would be if I were friends with people like them. Imagine what kind of outrageous behavior and attitude they would have if we actually went out as a group or something. Would they be cutting people's queue at fast food restaurants or walking in front of people queuing to buy movie tickets just so they can get better seats? If so, then they are just plain selfish.

What's the takeaway from here? I enjoyed myself at the event but I didn't enjoy their presence. I hope they grow up soon and learn to be better people.

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