Wednesday, November 25, 2015

How to be a "decent" lecturer

You know what's worse than ginger? A bad lecturer. And I absolutely hate eating ginger.

Yes I clearly have no right to rant about a lecturer but enough is enough. I wish I could tell them straight about how I feel but I am just not in a position to do so. Which is why we have blogger...

First of all, have the decency to not lie to students. I've had a lecturer recently tell me that we're going to have a practical lesson, you know what I got the next day? A theory MCQ quiz. Seriously? You don't lie to a student to make them feel better or to cheat them or train them to be prepared for the common test or something that's just plain wrong. You know what it is like to be lied to that a student forgot to bring his homework so why are you using the same concept on us students? Lecturers are supposed to be role models for students, we work towards becoming that respectful person you are and to lie to me like that, I can't trust you anymore.

Second, when you give a lecturer, would it kill you to know the content beforehand? There has been countless times where you had to read off the screen (which is exactly what they tell students NOT to do) and you stutter so much that we know that you don't understand what you are lecturing. If you don't know what the content you are lecturing, what makes you think we will understand anything that's coming out of your mouth? It doesn't make any sense. If you don't know what you are teaching, and won't bother to prepare for lessons, you clearly don't deserve to be a lecturer, or you are in the wrong field of study. Yes, study. Go back to school.

Third, when you give out lectures, explain your idea clearly. It is a obvious sign that students are confused if they all give you the "huh?" look. Yet, you don't bother to clarify even when we ask you genuine questions. There have been times where a student asks a legitimate question and the lecturer goes "because you weren't listening". How does that answer our question? You are questioning us instead of answering us. What benefit does it give to either party by acting in such a manner? Let me answer that for you, nothing. If anything, you confuse the student further, and you wasted a few minutes of lesson time just to prove you are in the right.

Fourth, tell us what to do directly what to do. The reason we ask questions is because we need to get clarification of someone of higher authority. When you reply us indirectly or ask us to "ask other classmates", it really gives me the sign that, you don't know the answer and you are lazy. An absolutely disgusting example to set for students. And you know why students always ask "what are we paying you for", because you are not doing your job. What right do you have to be offended when you are not doing your job but still getting paid? I don't understand you.

Fifth, guide us on assignments and projects. You can't just tell us to read up a document, GUIDE US. We're beginners at everything, just because you've got the experience doesn't mean we do. Yes sure, half a semester has passed but that doesn't mean I suddenly have the knowledge of a university student. If you don't tell us what to do, we submit to you the work that's done incorrectly. Some lecturers take the time to correct us but what they should have done was briefed us properly on what they were expecting from us. Others, leave us to die. Literally.

Sixth, never ever look down on your students. Your job is to motivate us to study, love what we do and excel in it. When you look down on students, you demotivate us and are encouraging us to drop out of school, which apparently pleases you. What kind of sadist are you? And when you tell people not to look down on people but you do so anyway, I get lost for words.

Lastly, care about your students. I get how you don't need a break and a three hour lecturer is a piece of cake for you, but we need breaks. This might sound demanding but I'm not asking for a half an hour break or anything like that (would be nice though), but I'm talking about quick 10 minutes break. Just one break would be nice. We get so tired after absorbing information for hours and the least you could do is to give us time to understand what we were just taught.

So quit it with that lazy attitude and be a decent lecturer for heavens sake. There shouldn't even be a need for me to ever rant about a lecturer. Stop lying, start motivating. Find that joy in lecturing and enjoy what you do. Being a lecturer is such an amazing job but the way they turn the entire job upside down, is just awful. A lecturer should be a role model to students and be respected, not be hated and talked about infamously.

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