Friday, April 17, 2015

Bali Trip - Day 4

Do you feel the grand finale coming? ;)

So the final breakfast buffet, I had just a little more than usual this time because I'll miss having breakfast just made ready for me. I've also tried about everything they have displayed except their orange juice and cereal stuff. This time I tried their fried chicken, fried something (it taste a little like luncheon meat), fried vegetable, scrambled egg, fried rice, fried noodle and pancakes with some butter.

After breakfast I went back to my room for my final rest before we had to check out at 1pm. Too bad someone booked the rooms as even though we requested a late check out the latest possible was 1pm. For lunch we headed to a nearby restaurant we looked at a few days ago called Little Italy. I ordered their Spaghetti alla Carbonara Italian Style because the description sounded good. (Scrambled eggs, bacon and pamesan cheese). Although I could have mistakenly ordered the Spaghetti alla Carbonara instead because I didn't see the scrambled eggs in it... the description for the similarly named carbonara is (Cream, eggs, bacon and pamesan cheese). Update: Found a photo of the menu to show you the description of the pasta. Anyway, now that I've got you confused let me continue. My mom ordered the margarita pizza and each of us got an avocado milkshake because avocado is amazing. The carbonara there is AMAZING. It's so creamy with just the right amount of bacon on it, love it! The pizza was alright and the avocado juice is great. Also, one of the items on the menu caught my attention, Singapore Sling, hmm... Not exactly what I expected a Singapore drink to be. Don't worry I didn't have any alcohol!

After our meal we went back to Matahari mall because my mom still had one of those coupons left to get a discount. I swear, the amount of coupon they give is endless. Each time you buy and use one of the coupon you get another one. I guess that's how they get tourists to come and buy endlessly. Also, I wish I had that many polo colors wow, it looks so good. I might actually have all the colors but they arranged it in such a way that it caught my eye.

And it's time to head back to Singapore. We reached back to the resort before 4pm and got to the air port by 4:15pm. It was a really short journey there. So I had my final moments in Bali. My mom also got me a cup of coffee from a near by coffee shop and before you know it, our flight is ready for boarding.

So since it was my first flight out of Singapore, its also my first flight back to Singapore. Its going to be night time and I wasn't really expecting much from the view but wow, the sky can still be beautiful at night. I don't have pictures of the sky while I was leaving Bali but it was beautiful to see the city all lit up from the sky. After we traveled away from Bali there are still times where I look down and see small spots of lights and it kind of looks like I'm looking at stars. I believe those lights are either boats, or cities with little lighting? Also, they switched off the lights in the cabin so it was quite easy to just pass out from tiredness.

And with that I arrived back at Singapore safely. So Bali just came and passed like that. Overall I enjoyed the trip since it was my first one. But I still love Singapore, or rather, I feel more attached to Singapore. I miss my bed, my 2-ply toilet paper, my clean water, the lack of mosquitoes, the safety (not really), everything especially the water. But if I could bring something that I would miss from Bali it would be the price of everything. Man, everything there is so cheap.

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