Monday, July 13, 2015

And the drama continues...

Oh look drama, just what I needed.
I want nothing to do with it.

Aside from the recent events that have happened in my life, I thought things would finally settle down. Nope I was wrong, once again. How many times do I have to go through this anyway?! But anyway, I made a blog post a few days ago on how I view people as selfish. This blog post is kind of a continuation on it but it isn't the same event, hence its on a separate post. But anyway, lets begin the story.

In order to keep this story realistic without revealing personal information and landing myself in big trouble, I wish to tell it in the perspective that I'm actually referring to my friend's family and not mine. I won't say who's family it is but you can pretty much guess from the way I'm writing it. If you know me personally, maybe I'll say whose family it was.

So a friend of mine recently lost someone close to them and of course I'd try to keep those information private because I don't want anyone around me to be affected in any way nor do I want to start a family war on their side. But I have things that need to be said and hence, I'm doing it in private. In private you say? Well kind of. Their family probably doesn't know much about internet or my blog but if they do stumble upon it one day, that's their problem to be honest and what I'm stating are my own opinions and facts that I know as of now. My friend felt the same way as me but he let me take the initiative to blog about it.

Back to the story. Basically after someone passes on, you have to think and consider about what to do of their assets and belongings and honestly its always a hard thing to do. And because of greediness and selfishness of some people in their family line, arguments will happen. Lets just say in their family, there are six main people. Out of the six people there, only four of them contribute to taking care of the person who has passed on by paying for the medical bills and giving her monthly allowances because that's the right thing to do as a son or daughter. Now that I've sort of hint you on who that person is, for now let's name her Lovely. She was the mother of the six main people in the family. I gave her a fake name because I need to keep her name private and she was indeed a lovely person as I've personally met her and I have a really close relationship with their family. Now, I was never fond of the two specific people who were in that family and they happened to be two of who I call "uncles" and I never knew them because I hardly saw them during any of the events I went to when my friend's family would hold them and he would describe the two uncles as "strangers". Besides the fact that they are "strangers", he goes on and claims that both of them are filled with greediness that is so easily seen and they basically have an attitude problem of some sort and you have to know that for the story to actually makes sense.

Now because those two uncles (and their wife/girlfriend) are dirty scumbags I felt like they didn't deserve to make any decisions or take anything with them because they never contributed anything to take care of Lovely. Of course, I couldn't make a decision because I wasn't their family. I was a mere outsider and that's how I felt when I visited the funeral. I saw the two uncles there discussing with other members of the family in private at a corner and I didn't want to go eavesdrop because that's just wrong of me.

The thing is, my friend told me that only when Lovely had passed on did they start to join in the whole family again by planning her funeral and making arrangements on how everything will happen etc. Now, I really wonder who paid or contributed to me but I honestly don't want to pry anymore because it would look suspicious and I wasn't close enough to do that but I seriously wonder of the two uncles contributed anything. I've even heard there were cases that the uncle's wife/girlfriend had actually stolen items from Lovely's home before and that really disgusted me. Of course there was no way to prove it because their house hadn't been hooked up with CCTV at every corner of the house.

Lovely's health wasn't very good and we knew she was ready to go. But I can't imagine the amount of stress she would have if she knew that the family might fight over her assets and compete over who contributed more than others. Also, the selfishness and greediness of their family is disgusting and I am so thankful my friend posses none of those characteristics. Please let this be a lesson learnt, don't be greedy and just be humble for what you have. If you are a son, be respectful and kind to the parents who raised you up and don't be afraid to show them that you love them. Don't let any of your family become like a war zone where everyone is always arguing and pushing the blame and escalating the fight/arguments.

I'm not sure what will happen to my friend's family, but I hope that after this whole ordeal will be over soon and everything will be settled. I don't like it when it affects the people I care about. Even though I have no say in it, I'm over here praying that all this ends and everyone goes their own way because I think that's for the best. Let the ones who are greedy suffer when they realize they have no one else to steal from and let the humble and thoughtful ones prosper because they have been amazing.

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